Call of the Sea — Day Two — Uninstalled From Xbox

Jay (Vijayasimha BR)
The Sanguine Tech Trainer
2 min readDec 17, 2020


the game is still beautiful

I wrote this earlier, Day One. I like to start and finish my games. I am a tomb raider veteran. Starting with Tomb Raider 1 1996, all the way till Shadow Of The Tomb Raider. Without any help, I can solve 90 % of tomb raider puzzles. I am not super smart, but I am not an idiot either when it comes to puzzles and stuff.

Impossible To Solve Puzzles

I write all this to put things in context. This game…is really hard on me. Even on Day One, I got stuck at this puzzle, rotating face column thing. I spent an hour running around, looking at every corner. Eventually, I found a YouTube video and copied his solution.

I even left a comment asking him how he got the clues, and he responded with the details. Even after this video and clarification, I still don’t know how he arrived at the solution. I pushed on with the game and reached this bizarre Shipwreck part of the island thing.

Once again, there are many puzzles and solved them one after another. The game continues to be extremely light on details on what a puzzle is supposed to be or what it even means. There is no context or a theme to these puzzles. Each puzzle is unique, so what you did before has no help here.

Eventually, I reached a pit, which had like some 8 or 9 buttons. I got the puzzle solved, and the goo is flowing, and all the pipes are on. Yet, that is not the full solution apparently. There is more to do, but there is no hint or anything. The lady in the game, won’t even wonder loudly, like what to do next. She talks so much exposition. After seeing me stuck in the same place for an hour, why not ‘wonder talk’ and give a hint. please.

Final Note

Anyway, the game is still gorgeous. I absolutely love her voice. It’s soothing, especially after dinner. It has a great story, but the puzzles keep pulling you back from appreciating the exotic island and its mysteries.

I am just too dumb to play this game.

