Die Another Day on Prime Video— Feast like there is no Tomorrow
I always felt like Brosnan got a raw deal with this movie. The turn of the millennium as they say, was bringing a massive change in the world culture.
Everybody and their mom were using CGI, in a good way but mostly in a bad way. Movies like Matrix Trilogy and Jason Bourne were changing what it means to be action movies and action heroes. Bond producers had to do some serious female empowerment and diversity stuff as well. The old school bond stories may no longer fly, but Brosnan is already set in the role to make radical changes.
For me, the movie was awesome till that exact moment, they show the invisible car. I am cool with the invisible car. Till that moment, everything is standard Brosnan bond entertainment. You have that nice hovercraft chase. Then, that Madonna scorpion sexual innuendo filled credits song. The Hong Kong escape, the Cuba shoot out.
The movie hits the highest point with the unexpectedly brutal sword fight. That music pumping like crazy, these two dudes dueling like it was the 1600s. More importantly, both the actors are doing their own stunts, lending the essence of realism the rest of the movie is lacking.
Once the story shifts to Iceland and the excessive and terribly done CGI takes over, I usually stop watching. Yeah, you should stop at that invisible car scene and just, you know, have a drink or something.
I am marathon watching the James Bond movies and I wish to rank them at the end. So, I came up with a numbering system. The scores for this one are here.
- Action and Stunts 5/9
- Coolness Cool 5/9
- Double Entendre and One Liners 9/9
- Hot Women 3/9
- Ludicrous Villainy, Cool Deaths and Traps 2/9
- Gadgets Man! 5/9
- General Awesomeness 5/9
- Boredom Factor -9/-9 (the entire second half is dull and boring)
Total : 25
Final Note
Brosnan deserved a better goodbye man.
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