Hello World with Azure Functions

Jay (Vijayasimha BR)
2 min readJan 28, 2025


attractive young indian woman, wearing a crop top, jeans shorts, shotting a single bow and arrow in the jungle, digital paint

A quick and simple hello world of Azure Functions.

There is some amount of setting up to do. Obviously, you need to have dot net and dot net SDK installed. I have tested this code with both VS Code and Visual Studio.

and install the tools.

A separate toolset needs to be installed

And the extension.

install this.

Finally, I noticed this little issue. For some reason, the tool isn’t available in VS Code. But it was available in the command line. So, I had to resort to running the code from the command line. Or, in Visual Studio.

so much confusion.

Also, here are some pointers.

  1. I was unabled to ‘func start’ from within the terminal though.
  2. I had to run by opening a command line directly from the project folder
  3. I had to run, by opening the project in visual studio.
  4. also, look at this error, which I ran into, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77955051/error-cs1061-hostbuilder-does-not-contain-a-definition-for-configurefunction

Finally, I was able to access the endpoint from the browser.

You can find the full code, here.

Ultimately, I did this little bit of code as I was preparing for my upcoming AZ 900 exam. There was a short little chapter about Azure Functions, I decided to build this hello world project. It does not do anything, but, it still shows the capabiity of Azure Functions.

As time goes, I plan to update this (or add more Azure Functions code). I think, this whole serverless thing, if explored more, could have plenty of potential.

That’s all for now.

I work as a coding tutor. You can hire me on Upwork, Fiverr and Codementor. You can also book a session on calendly, and visit my website. Also, video tutorials on my YouTube Channel. My Podcast is here.



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