Revisiting C# .Net 8.0 and Micro Services
For the last few years, I have been mostly dabbling and making money with JavaScript. Then, I am like, wait a minute, I am a lifelong .NET guy. Huh.
The current big project/client, that I am wrapping up this month, is related to HTML/CSS/Bootstrap and JavaScript. The big project/client before that, was also JavaScript. and before that too, a lot of revenue coming in from JavaScript/Node JS and so on.
So, I figured, hey, may be, may be, it’s time to return to my .NET ways. Of course, as a freelancer/independent consultant, what project I get next is beyond my control. Still, perhaps, I can still influence some aspects of my destiny and end up in a .NET project.
The first thing, I did, was to check in with my ‘C Sharp for Students’ repository that I maintained/used to maintain and is pinned prominently on my github profile.
I decided to clone it, and update/remove all the main projects. I noticed that most of them were .NET 5.0/.NET 6.0. and, as I type this, the latest long term support .NET is 8.0. Phew! Time files, eh?
So, I did that. Further, back in the days when .NET was my only bread and butter, I used to have these demo, portfolio projects. Sadly, the previous is now simply too old. I was forced to archive it.
Now, previously, my primary focus was on .NET WEB API development. I would frequently hear about micro services. However, I never got around to working on micro services, either in a hobby/portfolio project (like Random Stuff Generator above) or in a client project.
Now, as I look to get back in the ring, perhaps, it’s time to jump into some micro services. I have always followed SOLID principles in my programming life, so, adopting the micro services way of system development should be easy enough.
I think.
Well. Here’s me. Hoping I will return to C# and take a break from JavaScript related stuff.
Hire me at UpWork or Fiverr or GitHub. more about me on my personal profile, and also on my personal website.